Monday, April 25, 2011

Before & After

Jordan and I FINALLY picked the bed set that we wanted for our little baby. It came in the mail last week on Thursday, and we decided that we were going to paint her room last weekend before Jordan's school schedule gets crazy.

We bought the Sugar Plum set from CoCoLa (I think that is the company name). It is a mixture of pink and purple with cute little butterflies and flowers all over it. We decided on the Disney Behr paint and the color Clock Strikes 12. You can't see it too well in the pictures, it photographs really light. But it is the perfect color when you are looking at it. We were only going to paint, but we bought this amazing paint edger, so we didn't have to tape at all! So it cut our time way down and we were done in about 2 hours. So we decided we wanted to put the crib up too. It is the long box on the left in the "Before" picture.


We just love the set!!

Of course I have to include our egg dying from Easter. Jordan let me have all his eggs to dye. I had one egg that was almost a circle, it was kind of cool (it is the blue egg).

 I also decided that I wanted to show my basketball spirit, so I made a Lakers egg:) Jordan gave me some crap for it, but hey I gotta show some team spirit!!! Hopefully they win the next two games and put those Hornets in their place!!


  1. Super cute! Good job on getting the room set up. We have tons of baby stuff-swing, bouncer, saucer, tub, bumbo,so let me know what you need and we will bring it out in June!
