Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kisses for Reese

Hallie is officially 7 months old... Since about a week ago. And about a week ago, her new cousin Reese was born! They are basically seven months apart (shy of two days).

Since Hallie was born Jordan and I have been training her to be a good kisser. We have been grabbing her face and kissing her lips since she was born. I have a picture of her when she was about 7 weeks old grabbing my face and kissing me. Needless to say, she knows how to do it. Every once in a while (and pretty much only to me and daddy) she turns and grabs out face and gives us a huge open mouth, slobbery kiss. It's gross. But so cute. Who could refuse that cute face of hers?

So when Reese was born, we took Hallie to meet her. Hallie was so cute. I was holding Reese and Hallie was being held by Jordan and she leans over and puts her hands on Reese and gave me a big smile. So adorable. We even let her hold Reese (with Tiana's help).

A couple days later, Tevin and Tiana brought Reese over to the house. And Hallie was so cute.....

It seems that we have trained her well. Very well. This is just a short clip, but she was giving Reese a ton of kisses. It was so adorable.

Hallie is also so close to crawling. She is moving and rolling and scooting all over the place. The only thing she is not actually doing is putting her knees up and crawling. But she has tried a couple of times. She is eating solid foods, which she LOVES. She eyes anything that you are putting into your mouth. She sits there with her mouth wide open wanting a bite. It's like a baby bird. lol. She has said mamamamamama, I'm not positive if she knows what she is saying. And the other day in the tub she looked at me and said, "da!" So she could quite possibly be talking. Who knows. She loves to babble. She sings, screams, laughs, and is making all kinds of strange noises all the time.

Hallie is one hilarious girl. We love her to death.

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