Wednesday, February 29, 2012

very special, indeed.

I have wanted to write this post for some time now. Since about October actually. I am glad that I waited because I didn't know that there would be another half of the story. I also wanted to wait a little after the second half of the story to give the family some time to grieve. I didn't want to over shadow them or make them feel sad about their dear mother, wife, sister and friend. This was a very special experience for me and I am writing it to be able to remember the details for the rest of my life.

My sister-in-law, Candace, is one of the sweetest people that I know. And I know that she got this from her dear mom, Judy. In late either late July or early August, Judy was diagnosed with melanoma. The melanoma had metastasized to her brain creating three large, inoperable tumors. When we heard the news it was devastating for us, because we love Aaron and Candace so much. We felt hopeless for them. Jordan and I took their kids dinner the night that they found out. When they got home from the hospital, you couldn't help but weep. I have never seen Candace this way. We just sat with them, trying to offer any kind of comfort.

A couple weeks later, Judy started radiation treatment and would soon after follow with a new drug that takes the place of chemo. But, she could not start on the new drug until she had enough strength from the radiation therapy. I don't know what it is like to go through any kind of cancer treatment, but just from observation, it looks extremely tough. Judy was not having the best time feeling well.

On Grandma Jensen's birthday, everyone came over to celebrate. Candace was talking about how she was throwing a surprise anniversary party for her mom and dad. She was talking about making a slide show movie, but it was just not working out. I wasn't in the conversation, but my ears perked up. I had been making a similar slideshow for Hallie, kind of like a scrapbook she can watch. I turned to Candace and immediately offered my help. She was totally taken aback, and so relieved that I could help her. She needed the slideshow pretty much ASAP, as in in the next day or two.

After grandma's birthday party, Jordan, Me, Hallie, my mom (who was visiting) ran over to their house to get everything we needed. They had scanned years of pictures into their computer, which we then transferred over to mine. We also went through Candace's CDs and picked out her mom's favorite songs, bought a couple off of iTunes, etc. They told me what they kind of wanted, and from there I took their vision and brought in my own.

The whole night and next day, I just kept thinking to myself, I can't believe what is happening with their family and I am so happy to help. I got to know their family, specifically Judy, so much better. I got to see their whole life span through pictures. To put pictures to music is where I get choked up. Anything that I watch, movies, tv, someone else's slideshow, it gets emotional. Somehow, music brings that out in people. I watched the slideshow and added a few things of my own. Specifically Josh Groban's song, "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)." Candace had told me her mom loved Josh Groban, and I needed one more song to make it complete. I found this one and it just hit close to home. It was my little way of telling the family to not give up.

Basically I cried the whole time making the video. When I showed Jordan the things I added, he cried. I showed my mom, she cried. And so on. I brought the movie over to Candace's house and told her not to watch it, that it would be better to her be surprised with everyone else.

The night went on and Jordan and I were going about out business. Suddenly we get a text from Aaron and Candace. This is what it said:

Jordan and I just looked at each other and cried. What an amazing thing we got to do for them. Judy was having a very hard day and did not want to leave the house. Jim had to convince her to go over to Aaron and Candace's house to grab something. They came in and suprise! They all had a dinner together. Then they ushered them into the basement to to the theater room and told them, "they had a cool movie clip they wanted to show them."

Candace tole me that they cried the whole time. It was so special for their family. I am so happy I got to be apart of it.

The next day, Judy called me. All she could do was thank me over and over again. She told me it was the best night of her life. She was so thankful for me and what I was able to do for their family. I was just so happy that they got to spend the day all together and have each other there.

Service is an amazing thing.

Flash forward to January. Judy did end up passing away with all of her family around her.

Aaron came over to the house, and asked me if I could tweak the video to be just about Judy, so they could play it at her viewing. I was more than happy to. I got to see Aaron watch the finished product, and I will never understand the pain and struggle their family had to go through. I just remember him saying, "she was too young..."

When we went to the viewing I got to see my work in action and how it affected the people the watching. That was very humbling.

When I went through the viewing line, each of Candace's family members gave me a huge hug. Casey, Candace's sister, just cried in my arms. She told me, "Thank you so much for what you did for my family. What you did made my mom strong enough to make it through the Holidays. It really was the best night of her life. Thank you."

I couldn't help but cry. Then I got to Candace. She said, "Melissa thank you for being an answer to our prayers." Now I am really crying. I am speechless. I didn't want any credit, it was Candace's idea in the first place, I just put it into action.

Finally I got to Jim. He embraced me, and said, "You made such a difference in our lives. Judy was so thankful for you. I am so thankful for you, and so is my family. Thank you for making the last months so much better for Judy. I will never forget what you did."

Judy was so wonderful. I am so thankful I got to be apart of her life.

I cannot express what the Craig/Sautter family means to me. I am so thankful for this experience. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve. It is where you truly feel the most joy in your life. I am so thankful for the plan of salvation, that families can be together forever. I am so grateful that Jordan and I are sealed for eternity and that Hallie is sealed to us. What a blessing in our lives. Doing this for Candace was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had in my life. And that is very special, indeed.


  1. Oh Melissa....I am reading this with tears streaming down my face. I have known Candace and her family since grade school...Judy was my tball coach, I can't tell you the countless times I had been over at their house, sleepovers, birthdays, etc. she was an amazing lady. Always there supporting Candace, her friends, etc. I always remember her being at all of our games when we were cheering....and she would always cheer for us. Made sure we were ok. My heart just breaks for her whole family, for my dear sweet friend Candace, for her husband, Jim, to lose his eternal sweetheart so young. I have wanted to get in touch with Candace and give her my sympathies and let her know she has been in my heart and prayers and on my mind ever since I found out. What an amazing gift you gave her family, something they will always have and cherish. Please pass a hug and my thoughts to Candace.

  2. I too have tears in my eyes! You are an amazing person Melissa and I am grateful that you are in our lives. I also have known judy for a long time and loved her and of course Candace so much. I wish I could have been there for her and everyone during this time. But I am very glad to know that she was surrounded by the sautter's to help her through this. We do have an amazing family!

  3. Melissa, words can't even express how truly amazing the video was you created for my family. It truly was one of the very best nights my mother and family have ever had. It will never be forgotten and we still love to watch that special video and reminiss about that night. It felt no less than a miracle in our life at that time. It was the best gift ever given to my parents and was definetly the best moment I have ever been a part of. I love you Melissa and will NEVER forget that special night, the best night of my moms life after being diagnosed. There is no doubt in my mind how inspired and completely selfless you were in that endeavor. I am truly privledged and so greatful for the many family and friends who showed me so much love and support during this heartbreaking time of mine. Truly a testimony that Heavenly Father shows us his love for us through his children. I have never felt so much love in my entire life. Candace
