Monday, December 17, 2012

very very late... Thanksgiving

For some reason there was a part of me that forgot that I had a blog. Then I had to quickly make a portfolio website very quickly and linked my blog. AH! I have a blog! And I have not posted in forever! And oh my goodness the reading that I have to do to catch up. Maybe I should just stop having friends, and then it wouldn't matter to me what is going on in their lives. Just kidding. I love them so much and don't want to miss a thing. So I'm hoping that even though I am writing about (cough, cough) Thanksgiving, that you wanted to know about it!

The day before Thanksgiving started off with the preparation of food. I make this 8 layer jello every year, and it takes FOREVER. This year all of Jordan's siblings (that are around Idaho) were all going to be at the house this year, and we divied up all the food. I was making pies, I just love to make them. Don't ask me why. Then I was reminded to make my jello! Holy cow I couldn't believe I almost forgot. It was my very favorite thing growing up. And being Mormon and all, of course we need to have some sort of jello dish present. Crazy that all the time growing up Mormon this was the only thing that my family ever made out of jello, and it only comes out on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Anywhoo... it takes forever. But man it's delicious. I also attempted Black Bottom Pumpkin pie and the classic Apple. It all tuned out pretty good, but the black bottom I need to make my own adjustments to!

We started off Thanksgiving Day with bowling. This is another tradition passed from my adolescent years, and Jordan treats me every year. We always have a small turnout, usually Jordan and I and maybe 1-2 others. This year was awesome! We had Jordan, Me, Hallie, Mary, Sean, Hillary & Spencer! Seven people! So crazy. But it was such a blast. Hallie bowled and got two spares. She did awesome. She loved to push the ball down the roller coaster thing that helps children bowl. Plus she acted more like a child-well behaved. Which still freaks me out.

We then went back to the house were the Thanksgiving feasting began. I ate so much it was ridiculous. I felt like I had ten pounds lodged into my stomach. But then I just ate more, and more, and more! I guess that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Eating until you are as big as the turkey, so they have one for next year.

We finished the night off with games and a bootleg of Dark Night Rises. I know it's out on video now but hey the fact that we had an awesome copy before it came out and we all watched it in the theater room was very cool. Don't judge me. I didn't download it.

All in all it was a fantastic Thanksgiving. More importantly, I was reminded of the wonderful things that I have in my life.

I have a wonderful husband that works extremely hard. He caters to me all the time, and lets me win basically all our "disagreements." When we fall asleep, I am so picky, and he lets me adjust any way that I can to get comfortable. He watches Bachelor and Project Runway with me. He lets me hold the remote and control the TV. You might say that I wear the pants.. but this is not true... I know my limits.. haha. I am just so thankful for a wonderful husband.

I am thankful for Hallie. The crazy woman I like to call my baby, who is actually more like a child now than anything else. I am thankful she is gorgeous, smart, and ridiculously hilarious. I would have very hard time justifying staying at home if it wasn't for this beautiful person. She makes my dark days bright and turns my frown upside down! I am blessed to be her mommy.

I am thankful for so much more, but especially my family that surrounds me.

Happy Thanksgiving:)


  1. favorite line: "Eating until you are as big as the turkey, so they have one for next year."
    You are hilarious. Miss you!

  2. So I totally laugh and agree with your part about jello only making an appearance at Thanksgiving and Christmas despite being Mormon. My family was totally the same way. Any other time I can't handle's weird and slippery.
    Oh, just wanted to let you know your Christmas cards were so cute! I love them and it is proudly displayed on our fridge.
